【拡散希望】ビールのあり方を考える Ronald Mengerink氏の言葉


さて、本題です。De Dochter van de Korenaar(ドクトルヴァンドゥコールナール醸造所)のRonald Mengerink氏が12月2日にfacebookに投稿した一文は大きな反響がありました。私もそれを読み、感銘を受けた1人です。より多くの方に知って頂くべき内容だと思いました。有り難いことにご本人から日本語に翻訳することを快諾して頂いたのでそれをここに記します。プロの翻訳家ではないので正確さに欠けるかもしれませんが、含意されるところを察して頂ければ幸いです。


Throwing a bat in the hen house…

This will be a long post. I hope as many as possible will read it.

I’ve been around on the beerscene for quite some time now. First in 1984/85 as one of the first microbreweries in The Netherlands. Much later , in 2007, when I started brewery De Dochter van de Korenaar,as one of the first new style breweries in Belgium.

I’ve known faillure and succes, so I think I’m entitled to say what I’m about to say.

Many of you think the beer market is healthy as never before; all these brands, all this choice..

I DISAGREE. The way the beer market is developing right now is a dead end!

The number of breweries, so called breweries and beer firms is outrageous and can only lead to a collaps of the market.
Now I don’t deny anybodies right to become a brewer or start a brewery, but I dó believe the beer market is compromized by opportunists and fools who will eventually destroy what authenticbreweries have constructed in the last decades.

What has gone wrong?
Apparently a bunch of self-proclaimed “beerprofessors”and beerlovers thought at a certain point it might be a good idea to try and taste as much beers as possible. Never the same beer, always new and, if possible, as weird as can be. They even made a sort of contest out of it. Whos has tasted the most beers..

Not only do they taste them, they also value a beer. It happens they value a beer of which they are certain the won’t like it. i.e because they don’t like a sour taste, a smokey flavor or any other flavor they are not used to. This bringing down the ‘score’of that beer. Ignorant consumers and/or importers are influenced by these ‘scores’and might avoid these beers that could be potentially good in their own style.

But much more important; this demand in diversity causes a reaction. Pubs buy only one or two kegs/cases of a certain beer . “Another day is another beer”. There are even brewers that don’t brew the same beer twice.. Do you really think that a brewer can brew spot-on every new brew he makes?It takes time to finetune a beer, hence you need to brew it more often. In this way it might well be hat out of every 3 new beers you taste there’s only one good enough..

Who cares ‘it’s new and it sells’
And then, as a reaction tot his demand for diversity there’s beer firms..

Beer firms can ‘create’ as many beers as they like. They don’t have to brew it, nor bottle, clean, pack.
They don’t have big investments to count for. They can concentrate on sales, and sales only.
In fact they take away a part of the breweries profit, and by adding their own profit they make beer more expensive than need tob e.

For me a brewery is a place where beer is brewed and bottled/kegged. If those true breweries stop pissing in their own bathtub by selling to beer firms, consumers will drink these true beers. No need to worrie about diversity, brewers are creative enough.

I’ve always refused to brew for third parties ( the only time I did such a thing was for a collegue and good friend whoes brewery burnt down) and I will continue to do so, even i fit will cause my own bankruptcy. I can only plea and ask other brewers to do the same. Stop the pollution of the beer market and make your own beers florish. And not the marketed product of some shrewd businessmen


Thank you all for the support and comments on my previous post.

Some brewers supported my opinion by phone or email. I guess they don’t want their opinion out in the open. And I respect and understand that.

I’m aware that I put my head on the block by giving my public opinion, but someone has to stand up and say what many think.
It’s not that I’m going to war, I just want to sent out a warning what’s going the wrong way ( to my honoust opinion).

I agree the subject is complex. But as wit all complex things it comes down to simplifying it to see things clearly.:
– Is there a problem ?
– What’s causing the problem?
– How can we tackle it?
I think we have a problem. There’s only a limited amount of Hl. special beer being consumed, and this amount is not growing fast enough to sustain all the beer brands. And I don’t think there’s a possibility to create a much larger demand anywhere soon.
-問題はありますか ?

Every brewer is responsible for what he produces and to whom it’s sold.We brewers control what we brew. If we claim what’s already our’s , i.e the production facilities, the problem will be much smaller. If we continue producing for third parties we continue to compete with ourselves.

Will that be enough? Probably not; in some areas there will still be a lot of breweries. But the competition will be fair, and a natural selection is not bad.

Now comes the hard part, and I don’t want to offend any of my collegues, but I think this is crucial:
Many of us have invested big time in their breweries. Their own marketshare is to small to pay for these investments so they see no other solution than to brew for others.
These breweries might well be oversized.

It’s a good thing to look forward and invest in the future and what’s hopefully coming your way. But creating a fake market by putting false competition on yourself and your collegues when brewing for a brewfirm is not a lasting solution.
Maybe it ís time for a label “authentic beer “….

CRAFT DRNKSとしてこの一連の文章に思うところがたくさんあります。ここ日本にも通じる話だと思うのです。あまりにたくさんの問題をはらんでいるのでそのことについては別途綴っていきたいと思いますが、Ronald Mengerink氏の考える「ビールのあり方」を知り、それを個々人が考えるきっかけにして頂ければと思います。

私が相応しかったのかどうか分かりませんが、翻訳してご紹介することを快諾して下さったRonald Mengerink氏に心より感謝申し上げます。