トラピストの六角形ロゴマーク”Authentic Trappist Product”
前回に引き続き、トラピストのことをまとめていきたいと思います。前回の記事はこちらからどうぞ。今回は六角形マーク”Authentic Trappist Product”についてです。
さて、国際トラピスト会修道士協会に加盟している修道院の製品には幾つかの要件を満たし、協会の認可を取ると”authentic trappist product”という六角形のロゴマークを付けることが出来ます。「ちゃんとトラピスト修道院で作られたものですよ、イミテーションではありませんからね」ということを表してくれます。その製品の出自が保障されるというわけです。
Even before Word War II, Trappists were trying to protect the name of “Trappist beer”. The monks of Orval were quite concsientious in taking the interests of the Trappists to heart by hiring a lawyer and instituting legal proceedings. Since the name “Trappist” referred to the origin of the product, any businesses which subsequently and unjustly made use of the name “Trappist” or “Trappist Beer” could be sued for dishonest business practices. On September 6, 1985, the Commercial Court in Brussels made it even more explicit: “It is now common knowledge that customers attribute special standards of quality to products made by monastic communities, and this is especially true of Trappist monasteries.” The ‘International Trappist Association’ (ITA) was established and the “Authentic Trappist Product” label was created to ensure the consumer of the origin and authenticity of these products, especially in the beer market where a considerable number of brands portray themselves using a “religious” image even though the products don’t come from a monastery.