“craft beer”とは何だろう Greg Kochのコメントについて
以前、brewdogが発表した”craftbeer”の定義についてご紹介しました。その中にアメリカの醸造所stone brewingのGreg Koch氏のコメントが引用されています。定義を作らねばならないことを強める為に氏の発言を援用している文脈です。”mega”で示される大手に対して非常に強く非難しています。
“Craft beer is more than just awesomely delicious beer. It’s also a revolution against the insult of the industrialized notion of beer that has been preying on the populace for decades. And yet with the success of the resulting backlash of craft beer which has brought real choice back to the people, the mega-beer-industrial-complex wants to co-opt craft beer now too. We cannot allow this to happen or it will erode the very progress we have all worked so hard to achieve. And they know this. A strong craft beer definition, which has admittedly proved to be a daunting task, is critical in shoring up the defenses for this thing that is so very dear to beer enthusiasts. We should not let the difficulty of the task of clear definitions dissuade us. We need to allow consumers the ability to decide for themselves who they want to support, but in order to do that, they must be able to understand clear definitions. The big companies wish to obfuscate and confuse. It is to their advantage. The craft brewers wish to be open, honest and straightforward as it is to our advantage. A strong, clear definition allows for actual choice, and not just the illusion of choice. The difference is massive. Freedom!“
ここでは”craft”と”mega”を対にして論を進めていて、それぞれ使われている言葉を比較すると対立の構図は非常に分かりやすいと思います。最後の部分にある通り、”. The big companies wish to obfuscate and confuse. It is to their advantage. The craft brewers wish to be open, honest and straightforward as it is to our advantage.”(大手は判断を鈍らせ、惑わすことを望んでいて、それこそが大手が有利になる点だ。クラフトブルワリーはオープン且つ誠実であり、実直である。それこそが我々の利点なのだ。)とGreg Koch氏は説きます。
“craft” open、honest、straightforward
“mega” obfuscate、confuse