Anheuser-Busch InBev Acquires Northern Brewer & Midwest Supplies
最近よく話題となるインベヴが何と自家醸造グッズ販売会社の最大手であるノーザンブルワーを買収したそうです。正確には、ノーザンブルワーとその関連会社であるミッドウエストサプライの2つがインベヴのベンチャーキャピタルであるZX Ventureに買収されたとのこと。
Many of you have seen the news that we’ve closed a deal to be acquired by ZX Ventures, the global Disruptive Growth Unit of Anheuser-Busch InBev.
インベヴの一部門であるZX Vetntureによる買収についてお聞きの方も多いでしょう。I’ll admit, we didn’t share this with you the way we should and for that, I apologize. I think this is a really important moment in our company’s history and an important moment in our shared passion for brewing great beer. Let me tell you what that means.
弊社にとって、そして素晴らしいビール醸造に対する情熱にとって今が大変重要なタイミングであると考えています。どういうことかご説明します。First, nothing will fundamentally change as the result of this deal. Our entire leadership team will remain intact and our company will continue to be independent. Our staff of dedicated employees will continue to serve our customers and help our industry innovate. Our culture will remain as it is today: vibrant, energetic, fair and dedicated to our mission and to you.
まず第一に、買収後も今まで通りで基本的に何も変わらないということ。会社も独立経営が続き、雇用もそのままです。Second, this partnership with ZX Ventures is about growing our company and providing our customers with unparalleled opportunities. This deal will make us stronger and able to pursue our passion with even greater focus, better tools and ingredients.
Only time will tell what impact they will have on the hobby and smaller retailers that help grow and teach the industry.