



Introducing Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf(ローンウルフ)とは彼らの蒸留酒のブランドネーム。その立ち上げに際してクラウドファンディング”Lone Wolf Founders Club”を募集したのです。クラブに入るとこんな特典があります。

Spirits Benefits

Lone Wolf Founders Club Tier 1 £5,000 (106 shares or more)
For this first level you will receive a limited-edition, numbered, case of the first vodka and the first gin that our distillery produces. Sent to your address, two cases of distillation history. Three actually – as you will also receive an exclusive case of single-cask Lone Wolf whisky.

Lone Wolf Founders Club Tier 2 £10,000 (211 shares or more)
For those looking to step up to the second tier of the Lone Wolf Founders Club you will qualify for something exceedingly rare – a case of the first bottling run of Lone Wolf whisky (often the most sought-after of releases). Plus you’ll receive a case of single-cask Lone Wolf whisky aged in an Equity Punk-only cask that will not be released or sold publicly.

Lone Wolf Founders Club Tier 3 £20,000 (422 shares or more)
Invest at this level and the reward will be your own ¼ barrel cask of Lone Wolf whisky, and the ability to call the shots. How long should we age it? That’s up to you. When it gets bottled – your call. Also we will invite you to design your own unique gin, distil it in our Ellon brewhouse and then receive four cases for your collection!

Lone Wolf Founders Club Tier 4 £50,000 (1,053 shares or more)
Finally, for those looking to hit the top tier of rewards for the spirits arm of Boosted Benefits, the money-can’t-buy full barrel cask of Lone Wolf whisky, again aged and bottled exactly on your say-so. Your own cask, contents tailored to your liking and dispatched to your address. On top of this, you’ll also get the chance to design and distil your own bespoke gin and receive four cases.



chichibu fes bottle

ところで、抽選を申し込んだことすら忘れていた秩父ウイスキー祭りのお祭り記念限定ボトルが当たりました。中身はIchiro’s Maltで有名な秩父蒸留所のシングルモルトウイスキーです。これは独り占めせずに何かの時に開けて大いに楽しみたいと思います。