Brut IPA ※2018.7.27追記あり

Craft Beer & Brewing Magazineに非常に興味深い記事が投稿されていました。とても興味深い内容で、感銘を受けたのです。そこで著者であるJohn Holl氏に連絡し、御本人より直接日本語に訳す許可を頂いたので今回ご紹介したいと思います。この場を借りてJohn Holl氏に感謝申し上げます。


The Birth of the Brut IPA Copyright © 2018 John Holl, Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine All Rights Reserved.

The enzyme amyloglucosidase has been used in brewing for a while now. It has the ability to break down complex sugars that might not otherwise ferment, allowing the yeast a bonus meal during fermentation. As such, it has been popular with big, boozy imperial stouts so that they aren’t supersweet on the palate.

In San Francisco, at Social Kitchen & Brewery, Kim Sturdavant, the brewmaster, had been using amyloglucosidase on his triple IPA to help tamp down the sugars found in that beer. “I’ve been using it for two or three years but had it in the back of my mind to use it on a traditional IPA, to make it bone dry, a recipe with no residual sugar.”
サンフランシスコにあるSocial Kitchen & BreweryのKim Sturdavant氏は残糖を押さえる為にトリプルIPAにアミログルコシダーゼを長らく使用してきましたが、「ばっちりドライに仕上がるようにトラディショナルなIPAに使ってみよう、と。残糖分ゼロのレシピです。」

When his brewhouse schedule allowed last November, he gave it a go. He brewed a traditional IPA and added the amyloglucosidase after the first round of fermentation. The result was a 0° Plato, bone-dry, super- aromatic, slightly hazy but still bright, IPA.

“I took a growler home and realized that I finished the whole thing. It’s just unlike anything else I’ve had,” he says. At first, he considered calling it Champagne IPA (the folks in that region of France would likely have something to say about it) but, after consulting with a wine-minded friend, settled on Extra Brut IPA, eventually shortened to Brut IPA.
「グラウラーで持ち帰って飲んでみたら完璧でした。今までのものとは全く違う。」初めこれをシャンパーニュIPAと呼ぼうと思ったのですが、ワイン通の友人に相談してExtra Brut IPAと呼ぶことにしました。時折縮めてBrut IPAと言っています。

Within days, the city’s beer scene was buzzing about this new kind of IPA, and brewers near and far were adding it to their lineups. Drake’s Brewing Company (San Leandro, California) has been blogging about their experience brewing the style, and from Colorado to Pennsylvania, brewers are trying their hand, figuring out the best way to make this IPA.
最近街のクラフトビアシーンではこの新しいIPAのことで盛り上がっていて、近隣のみならず遠くのブルワーもこのIPAをラインナップに加えるようになってきています。Drake’s Brewing Companyではブログにこのスタイルについて綴っていますし、コロラドからペンシルバニアまでブルワー達がこのIPAを最高に美味しく仕上げる方法を見つけ出そうとしています。

※Drake’s BrewingのBrut IPAに関するブログポストはこちら→ WHAT WE’VE LEARNED BREWING EXTRA BRUT IPA

Since the style is still in its infancy, there’s a lot of crawling going on before it breaks into a full run, and brewers say they are experimenting with when to use the enzyme, the types of hops to use, and a diverse grain bill.

“We’re using a lot of adjuncts in the grist, a lot of wheat and rice, because they are fermentable with no sugar,” says Josh Grenz of Verboten Brewing & Barrel Project in Loveland, Colorado. “All the hops come after the boil, and what we’re getting is very aromatic without the bitterness.”
コロラドにあるVerboten Brewing & Barrel Project in LovelandのJosh Grenz氏いわく、「発酵可能な糖分がないので大量の小麦や米を副原料として使います。ホップは全量煮沸後に投入し、その結果苦味がなく強いアロマを得ることが出来ています。」

Using the enzyme, he says, adds about two days of fermentation because when it’s added, the yeast ramps back up. Otherwise it’s a pretty normal IPA schedule.

Credited as the creator of the style, Sturdavant says he feels a responsibility and “pressure” to make the best Brut IPA out there, so that means experimenting from batch to batch. In June, he brewed a recipe that had 20 percent rice, 20 percent corn, and the rest Pilsner malt. “From the flaked rice, we got a coconut flavor, from the corn, added creaminess,” he says.
このスタイルの発明者として名前が挙がるので、Sturdavant氏は最高のBrut IPAを作らねばならないという責任とプレッシャーを感じていると言い、毎バッチごとに実験を繰り返しています。6月には20%の米、20%のとうもろこし、残りはピルスナーモルトというレシピで醸造しました。「フレークライス由来でココナッツのフレーバーが出ましたし、とうもろこし由来でクリーミーさが得られました。」

“We’re not doing it because it’s cheaper—it’s not. We’re doing it for the light color. I like these beers to be lighter than a Pilsner—not [colorless], but certainly very light.”

His style allows for some haze but nothing comparable to a New England–style version. Adding hops after the boil gives all of the aroma with little to no bitterness, something many drinkers are currently accustomed to. Sturdavant has found that the style is also best for IPA recipes that are no higher than 7.5 percent ABV.
彼のスタイルでは多少の濁りは許容されますが、New England Styleほどではありません。煮沸後にホップを投入するとゼロもしくはごく僅か苦味がつくけれど香りがしっかりつきます。多くの飲み手が最近慣れ親しんでいる感じです。Sturdavant氏はそのスタイルが7.5%もないIPAのレシピにも最高だということを発見しています。

At first, he was adding the enzyme late in the fermentation process but recently has begun adding it during the mash. It still breaks down the extra sugars but doesn’t leave the finished beer at complete 0° Plato. Still, he has his reasons.

“With every batch of beer, we re-harvest yeast, and so if you use the enzyme, it’ll will carry over when you re-pitch, and that’s not something we want necessarily.” Regardless, using amyloglucosidase isn’t something to be taken lightly. Sturdavant and others warn that knowing yeast and understanding yeast nutrition is paramount. “It creates different problems, so it’s important to understand yeast and yeast nutrition throughout the process,” he says.

Drake’s has already ramped up the creativity, adding blood-orange juice to one batch for a mimosa effect, and is thinking ahead to packaging.

“Many questions remain unanswered before we put this new beer style in a bottle,” the brewery says. “How much bitterness can such a light-bodied beer support? What direction should we go for hops flavor? How much does malt matter in a beer that is so aggressively fermented down? Whatever we decide, as hopheads, we’re stoked. The Brut IPA style lets the hops shine in a wholly unique way, and it’s an excellent counterpoint to the juicy New England–style IPAs we’ve been making.”
「多くの疑問は未解決のままではありますが、ボトルにこの新しいスタイルのビールを詰めることになります。」「こんなにライトボディのビールがどれだけの苦味をバランスしながら保持できるのか?ホップフレーバーを求めて私達はどこへ行くべきなのか?しっかり発酵したビールにおいてはモルトはどれほど重要なのか?ホップヘッズとして、私達がどう決断しようともガンガンいきます。Brut IPAスタイルはとてもユニークなやり方でホップに光を当てます。今現在作り続けているジューシーなNew EnglandスタイルIPAとは全く対照的なものです。」

It’s interesting to watch the beginning of what could become a recognized style. Drinkers who have tasted well-made batches are quick to rave about it, leading to additional excitement. At the recent Craft Brewers Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, brewing legend Pete Slosberg, of Pete’s Brewing Company, asked if I had tried any of Sturdavant’s Brut IPAs, noting that he had just finished a conversation with a Polish brewer who was making them at his pub.
新しいスタイルが認知されていく始まりを目の当たりにするのはとても面白い。良く出来たバッチを試す飲み手はそれにすぐ反応して興奮します。先日のCraft Brewers ConferenceではPete’s Brewing Companyの伝説的醸造家Pete Slosberg氏は自社パブでBrut IPAを作っているポーランド人ブルワーとの会話をすぐに終え、SturdavantのBrut IPAを試しましたか?と私に質問しました。

Whether Brut IPAs will become as widely sought-after as the New England style remains to be seen. Or there’s the possibility that it could become a niche found occasionally like the Black IPA (or Cascadian Dark if you’re into calling it that). What we do know is that right now, there’s genuine excitement on the part of brewers, and that leads to only good things for drinkers.
Brut IPAがNew Englandスタイルのように広く求められるかはまだ分からないし、時折見られるBlack IPA(人によってはCascadian Dark)のようなニッチなものになる可能性もあります。今分かっているのはブルワー側には本物の興奮があり、飲み手により良いものだけを届けようとしているということです。

For now, most brewers agree that the more tropical New World hops are best represented in the style, not only because it’s what’s popular but because the aromas and flavors best complement the bone-dry nature of the Brut IPA. Still, Sturdavant says he’ll continue to experiment with each new batch.
“Call me in a year, and I might be all about the pine.”
単に人気があるだけでなく、Brut IPAのドライな性質を補完するものとして最高のアロマとフレーバーがあるのでトロピカルなニューワールドのホップがこのスタイルにとって最高だというのはほとんどのブルワーが認めています。Sturdavant氏は今後も毎バッチ実験していこうと言っています。「一年以内に電話して下さい。パインにどっぷりかもしれない」



Social Kitchen & BreweryのKim Sturdavant氏のBrut IPA開発に関するインタビュー動画

“I had it in my head: What would happen if I used this (enzyme) with a smaller beer, like an IPA, to make a basically sparkling hop beverage with no sweetness in it?” he says. “And I was thinking about it for a year or so before I actually squeezed it in the schedule and was able to brew one.” via SFGATE

同じくCraft Beer & Brewing MagazineBrut IPAのクローンレシピが公開されていますのでご紹介。Social Kitchen & BreweryのKim Sturdavant氏ご本人による記事なので是非お目通しくださいませ。ホームブルワー用に5ガロン(約20L)のサイズになっています。


Batch size: 5 gallons (19 liters)
Brewhouse efficiency: 72%
OG: 1.054
FG: 0
IBUs: 25


8 lb Pilsner malt
1 lb flaked corn
1 lb flaked rice


.17 oz Mosaic [12.25% AA] at 15 minutes
2.5 oz Mosaic [12.25% AA] at Whirlpool
7.5 oz Mosaic [12.25% AA] at Dry Hop


Neutral Ale yeast
.65 ml Amyloglucosidase


Social Kitchen and Brewery’s brewmaster Kim Sturdavant says: “I would encourage folks to add the enzyme in the mash, shoot for a mash temp of 143 – 146 to not denature the enzyme. The equivalent of 20mls / 100#s of grain is enough. Add the enzyme 1/3 of the way into mashing to ensure the mash isn’t too hot to denature the enzyme. Stir very well and let the mash have an hour-long rest to let the enzyme do its work.”
Social Kitchen & BreweryのKim Sturdavant氏いわく、「皆さんにはマッシュに酵素を入れてみて欲しいと思っています。マッシュの温度は酵素が変性しない華氏143〜146度(61.7〜63.3℃)を狙って投入します。仕込み100回分あたり20mlで充分です。酵素を変性させるほどには熱くはないことを確認してマッシング過程の1/3のところで酵素を入れます。よく混ぜて酵素が働いてくれるように1時間レストします。」

“The other option would be to add the enzyme to the kettle while lautering, then hold off on heating the kettle until all wort is in and has 30 minutes of contact with the enzyme at around 145 degrees (lower would be fine, too).”

“I know a lot of homebrewers just throw grain on top of all their mash water, so this option makes more sense to them. I preferred not to mash this way, when I was a homebrewer… I think the conversion temp is more consistent adding grain and water at the same time, I also like being able to react to the consistency so I can end up the thickness I want.”

“The enzyme will denature in the boil, but it’s already done its work.”

“That would all mean that the amylo in the fermentation is no longer needed. I’m finding better results with fermentation character and hop aromatics by having no enzyme present in the fermentation.”

Lastly, it is very important to add nutrient to the boil as well as 1/2 way through fermentation (with something like BSG’s Startup) since the wort will be almost entirely glucose, there is not a lot of nutrition for the yeast.
最後になりますが、麦汁がほとんど完全にグルコースになっているので、たとえばBSG’s Startupのようなものを発酵過程の真ん中あたりで煮沸に栄養を加えることはとても重要です。酵母の栄養が多くはないのです。