
CRAFT BREWING BUSINESSという専門サイトにBeerBoardというクラフトビール系サービスを展開する企業の発表した2017年のクラフトビールシーンのデータが紹介されています。それほど長くもないですが、ポイントが押さえられていて非常に良いものなので是非御覧ください。シーンの流れがよく分かると思います。

2017 Beer Report by BeerBoard A Look Back at Style and Brand Performance


More, more, more
As we all know, the number of breweries and the brands they produce continues to skyrocket. In 2017, BeerBoard tracked 1,970 different IPAs poured – up from 1,469 in 2016 (+34%) – the clear style leader in terms of number of brands poured. Stouts came in second at 921 (up from 796 in 2016), while Fruit/Hybrid checked in at 855 (up from 782 in 2016).



The dominant style in craft and #3 overall, IPA continued its climb in 2017. While its meteoric growth has slowed a bit, the style was still +15.5 percent for the year and continues to chip away at Light Lager and Lager in the positions ahead of it.
・Lagunitas moved into the pole position (up from #2 in 2016) off a slight increase of 7.9 percent.
・Bells Two Hearted was bumped down to #2 within the style, even with a modest 1.3 percent increase over 2016.
・Founders All Day increased a healthy 57.9 percent and moved up from #8 to #5 for the year.
・On the strength of an 800 percent increase, Elysian Space Dust was the biggest climber within the style, moving to #13 all the way from #90.
・Bells Two Heartedは1.3%増加したが、2位に
・Founders All Dayは57.9%増加。8位から5位に上昇
・Elysian Space Dustは800%増加し、このスタイルの中で一番の伸び。90位から一気に13位へ





What was trending:
The top five styles remain unchanged from 2016 through 2017: #1 Light Lager, #2 Lager, #3 IPA, #4 Belgian Wit/White Ale, #5 Euro Lagers. When breaking down the styles, some interesting trends were revealed:
・Continuing its strong performance year-over-year, IPAs grew 15.5 percent in 2017. The popular style was up to 8.85 percent from 7.66 percent in 2016 (+1.19 percent).
・Wheat/Hefeweizen came in at #6, up from #8 in 2016. It grew 27.6 percent in the year and claimed a 3.19 percent share.
・Pale Ale also made a solid jump, climbing 17 percent to come in at #10 overall (up from #11 in 2016)
・On the flip side, Amber/Red Ale saw a significant drop in 2017, down 47.8 percent, falling from #10 in 2016 to #14 in 2017.
・Ciders also a decline in 2017, down 14.8 percent and falling from #7 to #9 as a style.
2016年から2017年にかけてスタイル別top5は変動なし。#1 Light Lager, #2 Lager, #3 IPA, #4 Belgian Wit/White Ale, #5 Euro Lagers。変化したところから興味深いトレンドの流れが見えてきます。
・Pale Aleも好調。17%伸びて2016年11位から10位に。
・Amber/Red Aleは47.8%と大幅なダウン。2016年10位から14位に。