

さて、CAMRA(カムラ、campaign for real ale)はリアルエールだけでなく、サイダー、ペリーも大事にしています。本物のサイダー、ペリーとは何か?という疑問に端的に答えてくれている文章があるのでご紹介したいと思います。

Real Cider & Perry
Real cider is a long-established traditional drink which is produced naturally from apples and is neither carbonated or pasteurised. However real cider is in a similar situation to that which faced real ale some 30 years ago with the number of outlets for real cider diminishing, even in the West Country. The situation with perry (which is made from pears) is even worse, as it is rarely available away from the farm gate. It is unfortunate that many of the most well known ciders in the UK are cold, fizzy keg products which have been produced artificially rather than naturally.

It is well worth you tracking down some real ciders and perries and more and more people are discovering for themselves how deliciously mellow, aromatic and intoxicating the flavours of naturally produced real cider can be.

As a result of the difficulties facing real cider, CAMRA set up a cider and perry committee within CAMRA to inform consumers about the choice of real cider and perry available and to encourage the producers to continue production.

日本のビール品評会(コンペティション)では聞いたことがありませんが、世界では品評会のカテゴリーにサイダーやペリーが入っていることも多いです。CAMRA主催のGBBF(Great British Beer Festival)には当然のようにありますね。果物由来の美味しい酸味をもっと多くの方に知って頂きたいなぁとCRAFT DRINKSも考えています。
